Popa Taungkalat Shrine, Myanmar.
The Popa Taungkalat (Taung Kalat) Shrine is a Buddhist monastery sits on the peak of mt. Popa - 737 meters, if you determine to go there till then 777 levels. The Popa Taungkalat is exactly where 37 Mahagiri spirits are possibly positioned. Statues spirits can be found at the base of the sanctuary
The etymology of the word "Popa" is apparently in the Pali-Sanskrit word "Popa" which translates rooted - .. "flower"
For far more details Wikipedia Popa Taungkalat Temple
Check out Subsequent two images by Brian Snelson (pay a visit to flickr)
Popa Taungkalat Shrine, Myanmar
Popa Taungkalat Shrine, Myanmar
Next photo of Brian K. Smith, courtesy of Adventurocity
Taung Kalat Monastery, Mount Popa
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