Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Bay of Pigs, Brazil

Bay of Pigs (Or in Portuguese - Baía dos Porcos) in the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (about 350 kilometers east of the Brazilian coast - not to be confused with the Bay of Pigs in the southern coast of Cuba) is, the islands are a element of UNESCO -Weltkulturerbe made, and a symbolic fee of visitors for the preservation of the environment. Diving is a large point in Fernando de Noronha, as the South Equatorial Present brings warm water all the way from Africa to the island shors making it a wonderful location for diving (most of the time there is no need for a wetsuit).

For much more info visit Wikipedia - Fernando de Noronha

Enlarge map Bay of Pigs

Subsequent Photo of Sandro Helmann

 Bay of Pigs, Brazil

Bay of Pigs, Brazil

Subsequent Photo by Daniela Felipe

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 Bay of pigs, Brazil

Bay of Pigs, Brazil

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Pedra Da Tartaruga, Brazil

Pedra Da Tartaruga (which translates as "stone turtle") is a rock that resembles a turtle and overlooking "Praia do Perigoso" (translated "the hazardous beach") just below a 2 hour drive from the center of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (and only a single hour's drive from Copacabana). The closest neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro's Barra de Guaratiba, positioned in the western element of the skirt. Praia do Perigoso is possibly 1 of the most relaxing beaches in Brazil, but ... and it is a large - it requires a three km road that practically an hour to get from Barra de Guaratiba walk (there is also a way to the beach on taxi boat) even the weekends are typically around summer crowded and the beach is employed as a storage space, regrettably there is extremely tiny awareness of collect only garbage, so this beach dirty each now and then. Numerous men and women rappel from Pedra Da Tartaruga, simply because the view is gorgeous

For far more details about the subsequent neighborhood go to Wikipedia -. Barra de Guaratiba

shot by Leonardo Bittencourt (Instagram)

Pedra Da Tartaruga, Brazil

Pedra Da Tartaruga, Brazil

Ellison Alves shot (flickr | Some rights reserved)

 Pedra Da Tartaruga

Pedra Da Tartaruga - appears like a turtle from back

Friday, April 1, 2016

Iguassu Falls, Argentina and Brazil

Iguassu falls (in Argentina- Iguazu, in Brazil's Iguacu) Iguassu Falls are the third largest waterfalls in the planet, falls Iguassu consist of 275 separate falls and is truly higher than the Niagara Falls.
Iguassu Falls are located on the border of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, though the Iguassu Falls belong only to Argentina and Brazil (Brazil 20%, Argentina 80%).
when the weather is excellent (and as it is a sub-tropical climate is usually excellent), it delivers spectacular views, especially from the observation deck
. In 2011, Iguassu Falls was announced as one of the new seven natural wonders

For more info visit Wikipedia -. Iguazu Falls

Enlarge map of Iguazu Falls

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Next Photo of David Rochas (website, Facebook web page)

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 Iguacu Falls

Iguacu Falls

Next Photo by Claudio Elias


Iguazu Falls

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Subsequent two photos of Diana Salazar Ferrand (flickr)

Iguassu Falls, Argentina & amp Brazil

Iguassu Falls, Argentina & amp Brazil

Iguassu Falls, Argentina & amp amp Brazil

Iguassu Falls, Argentina & amp amp Brazil

Next 2 photos by Martin St-Amant (S23678)
(below the licensed Inventive Commons license)

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Iguazu Falls


Iguazu Falls

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Lencois National Park, Brazil

L ençóis Maranhenses National Park is a park (because 1981) in northeastern Brazil, (The name Lencois translated "The sheets of Maranhão ") Lençóis Park is recognized for its bizarre phenomena: Blue lagoons, even if it does not actually seem on the desert sand dunes (a desert Sprite - there is too significantly rain, to a desert) call this place. ' br /> The Lagoons go filled with fresh water by heavy rains that fill the lagoons. - They are the fullest around August every single year

For far more details check out Wikipedia - Lençóis National Park

Enlarge map of Lencois

& amp nbsp (Visit 500px and Flickr)

Photographs by Marc Wisniak

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Lencois National Park



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 Lencois from the air

Lencois from the air

Monday, January 25, 2016

Bonito, Brazil

Bonito is a city in Brazil, these places has a number of nicknames - "Ecotourism Capital of Brazil" and "Caribe do Centro-Oeste" (Caribbean of Central-West), which due to the fact that the Frisch was offered water in the whole location has an wonderful blue colour, (which is reminiscent of the Caribbean Sea waters). a single of the primary attractions is the river snorkeling and exploring the stuning waterfalls

For more info check out Wikipedia (one of them is "Monkey Hole Falls" that can see below.) - Bonito, Brazil

Enlarge map of Bonito

Next Photo of Ricardo Bevilaqua


monkey hole waterfalls

Next Photo by Steve Taylor (CC Attribution two. Generic license)